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Hello Ms. Vladimirova,
My name is Patti, interviewing you on behalf of the Etsy Beadweaver Team. Congrats on winning the March EBWC team and public votes!
Your work is beautiful, you create wonderful designs with cabochons and beads. Tell us a little more about yourself; how long have you been beading and how did you come to it?
My name is Sabina Vladimirova, 38 years old, born in Bulgaria. By profession I am a designer, but not the kind what you would expect – I’m a civil engineer and I design the structures of buildings.
I was introduced this kind of bead jewelry along with the artistic passion of my mother, before I was 5-6 years old. Inspired by Russian craftsmen she began to make such jewelry, of which I was very impressed. I first tried to make beaded jewels in 2012.
I see you incorporate some traditional influences into your work, do other members of your family or community do needle crafts as well?
The country where I was born is known for its long and rich history. Around 5000 BC, a sophisticated civilization already existed and produced some of the first pottery and jewelry in the world. In 681 is the beginning of the First Bulgarian Kingdom, which brought together Thracian remnants and Slavs under Bulgarian rule.
My kind of beaded jewelry is not typical for Bulgarian traditions. The jewelry you refer to are popularized based on their shape, not on their beaded techniques. Details can be found in the descriptions in my Etsy Shop for the items – “Lunnitsa” and “Pafti” .
For this tradition in my family I’ve already mentioned in this interview - I began to do this inspired by my mother’s creations.

Your hometown, Kazanlak, sounds beautiful. It has been called "the largest rose garden in the world." Is this something that influences your work?
I was born in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, but now live in a beautiful rose valley, in the town of Kazanlak. In this lovely valley between two mountains there is a lot of natural beauty to be inspired from. My true passion, however, is the Sea, where I intend to go soon to live and work (on site). Then you can see the marine influence in my jewels :)
There is a long history of a cultured civilization in your section of the world. Are there many opportunities to learn beading or to teach?
I admire the Russian masters in beaded embroidery. I learned different beaded techniques from so called “Master classes” on the internet, most of it in Russian websites and blogs. I belong to one Bulgarian facebook group where we share and discuss our work. We have monthly challenges also.
Your work has stood out in each of the challenges. I see you have entered a few since joining the bead weaving team. Is there an aspect to competition that draws you?
Yes, I admit that I enjoy challenges and competitions. Now I am now preparing also for the Battle Of The Beadsmith (B.O.T.B) ‘16 for my first year. I find competitions make for stimulating and interesting motivations to work on a specific theme.

I love the use of gemstones in your work. Is bead embroidery the technique you enjoy the most? Do you have a favorite kind of bead you like to work with?
I love gemstones and in almost all cases use them in my beaded works. I have few favorite stones – turquoise, labradorite ,amethyst, lapis lazuli. And Yes, bead embroidery is my favorite technique. Of course, I like to work mostly with Japanese beads, especially Miyuki Delica and Toho beads. I work also with Czech beads ( Preciosa ornela). Chinese beads I use very rarely - only in cases that I seek intended effect of their irregulal shape.
Is there a beading technique you hope to master or any other future plans you have with your beadwork?
There are still too many new techniques and tricks I want to learn and try, before I attempt to teach others.
Thank you for taking the time to tell us about yourself. Good luck for continued success with your work.
A real pleasure for me was to answer these questions, Thanks a lot!