Sunday, January 4, 2015

EBW Team March Challenge "Spring Migration"

Chris Maj, winner of the December 2014 challenge, has chosen the theme for March 2015.

“Spring Migration”

All across North America, one of the sure signs that Spring is on the way is the return of the migratory birds during the month of March. One morning, the bushes and trees around you are suddenly filled with singing birds that were not there just the day before. They arrive following a combination of celestial navigation and magnetic cues that are part of their genetic heritage. The most amazing part of this story is that these tiny birds fly thousands of miles to reach your yard, after spending the North American winter in Mexico, Central America, or South America. (from

For this challenge, take inspiration from your local birds, their nests, their songs, their colors, and the spring blossoms and berries that welcome them back. 

Work on this Challenge must be started no earlier than 20th December 2014 and listed by 5th March 2015.  Please make sure to include EBWC in the title and tags of your entry!

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