Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Congratulations to Amanda of chrysanthemumveil Winner of the "Lord of the Rings" Popular Vote

Congratulations go to Amanda of chrysanthemumveil and her Nightingale Necklace.  Amanda received 108 (17%) of the popular vote.
This month we also had an internal vote with the members of Etsy Beadweavers on our new forum Etsybeadweavers Freeforums.  The winner of the internal member vote is Marsha of HauteIceBeadwork and her "Ash and Amber" The Balrog. 
On Saturday/Sunday Blogger had some problems and we saw an influx of voting that was very odd (several enteries votes were increased by over 100 votes in one day).  Because of widespread blogger isses over the weekend (our blog was one of thousands affected) when the polling closed it revereted back to the Friday count.  The problems we experience were out our control and so any ligitimate votes we received on weekend are not included in  this tally.  The winning order of the voting was not affected but some of us lost votes (mine included - AngelqueCreations).

So moving on I would like to announce the Popular Vote runner's up of the May Challenge "Lord of the Rings"
2nd Place #5. The Dead Marshes - 4uidzne with 100 votes (15%)
3rd place #10. EDORAS - crownrosegems 81 votes ( 12%)
4th place  #17. Ash and Ember - The Balrog- HauteIceBeadwork with 46 votes (7%)
5th Place #9. Key to the Shire Beaded Necklace - crystalwonders with 38 votes (5%)
Tied for 6th place - #4. Leaves of Lothlorien Necklace - RareSpecimens and #31. Ent Necklace- Burarum - WhiteRabbitJewels each with 27 votes (4%)
7th Place #25. The Eye of Sauron Ring - bysalla with 25 votes (3%)
Tied for 8th place #6. The Light Star of Earendil - AngelqueCreations and 29. Sea Green Ornate Necklace - SilverDragon with 23 votes (3%)
9th place #8. One Ring to Rule Them All - MyOrcaDreams with 20 votes (3%)
and 10th place #1. The One Ring - NewWorldElegance with 14 votes (2%)

Congratulations to everyone who entered the challenge this month, it was awe inspiring to see all the wonderful creations.  I can't wait to see what everyone enters for "Heal the World" the theme for the June Challenge


  1. Congratz to the winners! There were some amazing pieces this month.

  2. both are just beautiful, congratz!

  3. All the entries were amazing - great job to all who participated!

  4. Congrats to the winners! These challenges are so fun and it's incredible the amount of talent represented each time!

  5. Thanks so much! I agree, all the entries were wonderful!
