Monday, December 7, 2009

December Challenge-Peace & Winter Olympics

The last challenge of 2009 is here. Appropriately enough for this time of year the theme, chosen by SmadarsTreasure and AngelqueCreations, is representative of Peace and the Winter Olympics. Twenty seed bead artists have entered the challenge this month. To best decide your vote, you can click on their shop links at the bottom of the mosaic to see larger images and the descriptions for their entries. We would also like to take this moment to wish you all a very wonderful holiday season!!

You can vote on your favorite challenge piece from the 9th through the 15th.

Etsy Beadweavers Challenge Dec 09

1. Serenity Cuff Bracelet - BettyStephanBeadwork

2. Tara (Goddess of Peace and Protection) - noritadesign

3. Dream Medallion - sagescupboard

4. Snow and Ice Necklace - AngelqueCreations

5. Peace Piece peyote cuff - randomcreative

6. Tide Pool EBWC December - JoniLynn

7. Golden Creamy Bouquet Necklace - bead4me

8. When Red meets Black - BeadsAndI

9. In Heavenly Peace - HauteIceBeadwork

10. La Donha - SilverDragon

11. Black and White Twist Necklace - MoreThanSomewhat

12. Dove of Peace - ArtBeadwork

13. Peace on Earth - SmadarsTreasure

14. Go For The Gold - carosell

15. Peace, Love, and Beautiful Hair (Clip) - adinahalperndesigns

16. Winter Necklace - AsteropeBC

17. Snowball Necklace - BeadedExtravagance

18. Purple Frost Necklace - SpringColors

19. SIOBHAN - Beaded cabochon necklace - Stellaltinaan

20. Ray of Light - Lauralia

Thank you Ann of Francesca's Fancy for making this mosaic for us!!!


  1. Well done Ann and Christine! Good luck to all participants.

  2. I'm always blown away by the talent on this team.

  3. Congratulations to all the entries, such a talented group. Voting will be tough again this month.

  4. Wow, Tough choice they are all so lovely!
    What a talented group!!

    AudreyGardenLady at etsy

  5. Beautiful pieces! Everyone's a winner in my book :)

  6. It's always so hard to chose. But we need a winner so we get our next challenge theme :)
