Monday, March 17, 2008

Wedding Wear

If you've been watching the Etsy front page or reading The Storque articles lately, it's a sure thing you've noticed that there's a lot of talk about weddings. Every bride wants something special to wear on her special day, and many members of the Etsy BeadWeavers group have unique and original creations that a bride could cherish for a lifetime.
Leslie Rogalski had a beautiful anemone bracelet featured in this treasury that appeared on Etsy's front page today:

Click here to see more wedding beadweaving by members of our talented group.

Many of our members do custom work, also, so if you see something you really love and would like it in another color palette, contact the artist!


  1. Hey,this was a really great idea to add this into the blog. More fantastic beadweaving...

  2. Beadweaving would make the PERFECT wedding jewelry! I see shades of pale pink and champagne... :)

  3. i had no idea we had such a beautiful beadwoven brides jewelry selection! :) im very impressed :)

    id personally never wear white on a wedding. im more for a silvery grey or champagne!. so its great to see those colours too! :)

  4. Hey! this is cool _ my necklace shows up! LOL! Wear handmade one of a kind at your wedding!


  5. Very pretty! I love this idea. Now how can we get the old rhyme changed to "Something old, something new, something beaded, something blue"?

  6. I've had inquiries for matching beadwoven cuffs for bridesmaids. How cool would that be!?

  7. This is a really good idea - especially for this time of year. I had no idea of what was considered "wedding" jewelry - I do now. I also know what to do with the left over white seed beads and pearls I have from my Stormy Weather challenge.

  8. I may do a couple more wedding-type pieces in the next month or two... I never really thought about it. You guys are so clever.
    I learn something new everyday.

  9. Fantastic post - thanks for putting this up!
    I've been making wedding earrings today (to match a collar that I sold recently) and love the thought that somebody's going to be wearing my work on her special day. Isn't it great that we have so many alternatives to 'just' white?

  10. hi-----I'm posting- I'm posting!! ;>)
    Thanks to this article, I added some ebw wedding tags on my white/cream/clear/crystally stuff, and added a new one.

    So- thank ya!

    marilyn g

  11. Going to get the beads out now! I'm really so untraditional you never know what I might come up with.This is stepping out for me, couse I LOVE color...

  12. This is so cool! I love the way you provided a link back to Etsy that pulls up EBW's wedding listings. It's like an "EBW Gift Guide" via the blog. Thank you, thank you!

  13. I enjoy the quick thinking of the Beadweavers (EBW) blog.

    This is a beautiful treasury and certainly has me thinking. And to realize that weddings are of all colors and tastes make for more creative pallete and materials.

    Handmade is the only way to go!!!

  14. This is a great idea, everyone has really beautiful items for weddings and the brides:0)

  15. Wonderful post! I've been toying with the idea of doing a few of my "signature" pieces in wedding colors/materials. This is what I needed to give me the push in the right direction.

  16. Custom work is so challenging and fun! Wedding custom work is so great...knowing that you've created something unique and beautiful to accent the bride's beauty on her special day...amazing!

  17. MaryLou, thank you for adding the comment that many of us welcome custom orders. I missed seeing it when I looked at the posting a few days ago. It was a great idea to include that!

  18. all your work is beautiful ladies! alchemy has had some postings for this as well-keep your eyes peeled!

  19. This is a great opportunity for buyers to find one of a kind wedding jewelry...and for beadweavers to show again their talent and creativity. Beautiful pieces and brilliant idea!

  20. I truly forgot that we are moving into the wedding season. I have sold a few pieces in the past for bridesmaids' gifts. It is easy to custom make five pieces that are identical or a little longer or shorter if desired. Thanks for the wonderful reminder. Lin

  21. Beautiful, and THANK you so much for including some of my work. I enjoy the thought of someone buying something from my shop for their wedding/bridal or honeymoon. It would be very exciting.

    Hope to have more options available in my shop as these next few weeks go by.

    Lily Wrey

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. WOW- this makes me want to be a bride again. There's some beautiful pieces for that special day.
